
Hello, my name is Kris Patt and I am a singer and performer originally from the Philippines, currently living in Malaysia.

I live stream on Twitch several time each week where I sing cover songs from a variety of music genres in several languages. I also have original music on Spotify and other music services. I create music videos that I use on stream with a green screen. I often sing and dance along with my virtual siblings Kristina, Krissy, Kristeta, and Kristian, where we sing and harmonize on songs from my song list and perform choreographed dances. I also collaborate virtually with musicians from all over the world to create my backing videos. I have an amazing Twitch community that I call my Blue Angels.

I have been a singer and dancer all my life, performing as a live streamer and at in-person private events. I have a YouTube channel where I post videos of performances from my live streams as well as other music content that I create. I make singing, dancing, and cat videos for TikTok, and you can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram! You can also join the Blue Angel’s World discord server for updates on streams and to share and chat with our community.


Here are some of my most favourite YouTube videos that I made.